Approved Character
- Messages
- 39
- Race
- Rakshasa
To whom it may concern,
•───────── April 10, 124 ────────•
•───────── April 10, 124 ────────•
The Cat Post had been in operation for a little more than a year, and was still something of a curiosity in Hesperia. The cats would arrive in town or depart by boat, jingling gently, saddled with bags full of letters from the good Faelnir of the capitol, and small packages. Each arriving cat made a circuit of the town, collar bells jingling gently as they went diligently from door to door, delivering their messages.
It was tempting, maybe, for the children to chase them; certainly, any number of footpads or ill-inclined snoopers had thought about simply scooping up one of the protesting cat deliverymen and pawing through their letters. They were stopped, in the main, by a combination of conscience, the ill reputation of the act, and the fact that the delivery cats were generally accompanied by a tiger.
(It is possible that one of those three reasons was paramount.)
This day, however, two cats arrived- one carrying post and guiding the tiger, as usual. The other, however, had a queer container of rolled-up parchments and a collection of pins. At each opportunity which presented itself, the cat affixed a note to public places, which read:
It was tempting, maybe, for the children to chase them; certainly, any number of footpads or ill-inclined snoopers had thought about simply scooping up one of the protesting cat deliverymen and pawing through their letters. They were stopped, in the main, by a combination of conscience, the ill reputation of the act, and the fact that the delivery cats were generally accompanied by a tiger.
(It is possible that one of those three reasons was paramount.)
This day, however, two cats arrived- one carrying post and guiding the tiger, as usual. The other, however, had a queer container of rolled-up parchments and a collection of pins. At each opportunity which presented itself, the cat affixed a note to public places, which read:
A researcher and analyst in fields scientific seeks assistance in the apprehending and subsequent apprehension of a variety of beasts of the fold and forest. Payment to be negociated per assignation. These beasts will be generally of the variety and opinion that treat men and aelf alike as prey and fulsome meals, but this job will require they be taken alive. Please do not apply if you expect to be slaughtered and thereupon devoured.
Please apply upon the docks between the tenth and fifteenth of the month. Ask for Sphinx.
Thank you for your time.
Those with more curiosity than sense followed the instructions and found that the Cat Post had rented a small warehouse off the river and set up a small office therein. At the front, sat a woman, sort of.

Sphinx had requested a chimeric form for the interviews, anticipating that it would be easier to deal with people if they didn't spend their entire time staring down and trying to understand how a cat was talking to them. This was... mildly better, perhaps, but it was still hard enough to express to the applicants that what the poster was seeking was not hunters who could take wolves and boar down without killing them.
"I just don't think you've heard me aright." the tired woman said to the fourth man that day, "We're looking for BIG game. Think less elk and more... Mæntyger."
"And you posted for that in the public square?"
"It wasn't my idea." she replied, exhaustion plain in her voice. "Why don't you just head out, then?"
"Now hold on, girl." the hunter said, insulted and annoyed at having his time wasted, "I expect some manner of compensation for my time with such a stupid matter. Why-"
One of the two tigers snoozing at the sides of the desk roused as the man raised his voice, turning his head to look up at him. It didn't bare any teeth, but it did let out a great huff, sending a warm wash of bad-smelling breath over the man. The hunter quieted, staring at the huge cat for a moment, then turned, walking quickly out the door. He did not begin swearing to himself until there was a solid door between him and the office.
"...thanks, Femi." said Sphinx, leaning over to rub the great cat under the chin with one hand. Femi snorted noisily, then settled back to his nap, leaning just a little bit into the transfigured cat's hand. Sphinx turned to look at the paper where she'd been dutifully recording the results of the interviews. Bad, bad, bad and worse. It seemed they were going to have scant more luck in the witch's grove than back in the Faelnir capital. It disappointed her at a fundamental level; she'd left her children for a week, for this?
Maybe they'd have better luck in Paradise, but she doubted it, and if Post thought she was going all the way out there on a lark, he had another thing coming.
Yr. Obdt. Svt.