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Open Important [Event]Senka O Terasu(The Illuminating Fires Of War)

An 'Open' thread may be joined by anyone, and replies should follow the tone set by the opening post, as well as any disclaimer provided by the author.


Approved Character

戦火を Senka O Terasu 照らす

Winter 68th 125

Gusts of wind ran amuck as large swathes of crystalized Aerisite fluttered about and dissipated rapidly. The sound of gunfire, and blood-curdling screams so loud that they could be heard from miles away echoed about. Perhaps even neighboring Nations could hear the horrors of war that took place on the battlefield. The Moonflower & Futorisugi Joint task force knew that the Huo would strike. Therefore, they prepared a large force to gather and prepared to defend their territory. After having crept through Tsukai whilst the guards on the opposite side in Taigama slept. They gathered and paired up in groups of approximately five to ten. Futorisugi took the vanguard, and behind them were expert-level Sakura Senpu wielders. Those who were the strongest, and most capable of taking damage were hand-picked from the Futo clan. Several Dryads dotted about the battlefield taking care of the wounded Ashigaru.

There were even other clans present; hired to battle as Mercenaries on the side of Moonflower & Futo in small numbers. The Fang clan were also present accompanied by large Wolves. There were only approximately twenty-four members of the Fang clan: twelve Wolves, and twelve Men. They numbered few, but their strength was more than overwhelming as the large Man-eating beasts charged the ranks of the ground units. Silhouettes appeared on the blood-soaked ground; the grass colored a deep crimson from having absorbed so much aqua-de-vitae. The horrors of war were a grotesque sight to behold, and stomach-turning for the eyes of most. The Fang was easily identifiable by their strange leather armor, folded in layers to protect them from gunfire. They remained for the most part hidden and commanded their Wolves from a distance.

While in the Huo facility, they prepared a large-scale attack just out of reach of their research facilities, and any major stronghold. They planned to essentially destroy any incoming reinforcements, while simultaneously damaging the structural integrity of Xie Chuntians army. The clan Daimyo, a mysterious and unknown figure led the Huo from the shadows and preferred his identity never be known. For, if one found out his true name, or so much as saw his face; he would likely be one of the most wanted men in Jian. Because of his dishonorable tactics, and thirst for blood in all facets of the war.

The Saru could even be found rummaging through the corpses of fallen Ashigaru from both sides of the battle. Huo, Moonflower, and Futo alike attempted to support their fallen comrades, and not allow their corpses to be desecrated by the Monkeys. Who seemed to find joy in causing absolute chaos, amid an already devastating scene. Was this the reality of war? Who was the winner when there were casualties on all sides of a battle? Men watched as their comrades, friends, and even family members were eaten alive by Wolves; shot to death with hails of gunfire or blown to bits by artificed bombs.

"Khafra… We need your assistance... There is an emergency on the front lines.. Yes it will cause casualties but we need you to destroy our enemies… What can you do to help us? The threat is of a large scale, and we need to launch an attack that borders in between Moonshadow glen, and Tsukai. They're coming from the forest trying to repel us!" Asked the very same young-looking woman that he'd met when he was first brought into the prison
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It was just another day as a soldier. It didn't pay for shit, but that was the life Sjal signed up for. She figured she'd get her fill of mercenary work and maybe broaden her horizons, maybe learn a few more arcana. She mostly used her magic selfishly – she rarely advertised just how much she could cast, mostly because she didn't like feeling used but also because she liked to have enough to get herself out of sticky situations.

The Huo soldiers flew through the air – soldiers riding on dragons. Sjal hadn't been given a dragon yet. She kind if was a dragon, in a way. All she really needed to do was finish the process… maybe that day would be today.

Sjal flew beside the group, scanning the horizon lazily. They were probably still a ways away from their destination, which was invariably some moonflower point of interest that needed to be obliterated.

Natare is free flight

Nurael upon his lap, Khafra held his back turned as the door opened, legs crossed upon a fount of sands he had woven in the center of the room when the vault door screeched through his mind.


"I have already made arrangements with one of your foremost Exodii, for I have foreseen your will to wield me; Daisuke of this facility, guide my Familiar to him. As well you shall bring to me an Ensorceller, your brightest. I have need of a Mirroring spell into which I shall feed my own power; of those dragons whom govern Geomena, I ask of the most potent you can spare, as many in their number. We will strike decisively. As well, I will need at least two Spheres of Alkahest." Khafra turned, Nurael stretching lazily before the bluish canid lynx rose.

"I will go to Daisuke," spoke the Familiar. "

As Nurael left, Khafra remained to inform. "We will strike from the air at the heart of the Futorisugi, and cut the head from the snake. Emberstone Village, was it not? I have read stories by your most brilliant strategists; without the Chúshī who live there, they will fall to savagery, and there will be fewer to raise the next generation."

Footsteps clapped hurriedly upon the stone floors as Daisuke ran in, breathing hard with manic vengeance. "Our time has come, Khafra, my friend? So soon, I did not think the day!"

Khafra nodded, then breathed calmly. "Yes, Daisuke. Many lives will be lost today, that is what the Huo ask of me—I will be a tool for them."

. . .

Gathering in the reception chambers of the stronghold, Daisuke was given a scroll steeped in Aerisite. He held it out, and his power flowed into the words, illuminating the text upon its surface with a vibrant blue. Within his mind, he envisioned the Ur'Duun; a Portal hissed as it ripped open to a shadowy, crystalline hall deep in the dark, dotted with glowing fungi.

The Ur'Duun

Khafra turned to receive the scroll he had commissioned: a Four-Mirrored spell of the Fifth Order, with which to pull and hover the rock. Around him, dragons and mages pooled into the deep, dark cavern with a tall ceiling.

There was unease among some, yet Khafra felt at home. There was skepticism among the Geomena-Governing Dragons spared to the effort, yet they felt relief to know the embrace of the Ur'Duun.

Nurael patrolled the perimeter, making sure all was clear while Khafra dictated positions, approximating how much stone would be wielded, and how much would be afforded to him through Ensorcelled artifacts or the Grist of these dragons which he knew could be at least a significant fraction.

A quiet din fell over all in attendance. Khafra stood upon a tall rock, and raised his arms, scroll unfurling with a shining glimmer in the shadowy realm. At his knee, Nurael's youthful voice rang out with his master's deeper, firmer Jin'nic Cant:

To all of this, he added a fifth spell: "O'! Quetzalcoatl, I reach through the halls of your domain, the Ur'Duun!" Their voices bellowed in unison. "We make the earth shudder, we call to you through the heart of the Planes, Aardënhall, to the Aetherium!" Every fiber of their being swelled with acquiescence to Aether, to Geomena. Nurael sat upon his hinds, lifting with claws bared, as Khafra gathered a great weight in his being and held it above his head with curling fingers.



The cavern shook, the earth trembled. "Great Dragons, speak your Incantations!" Khafra spoke in practiced Jianese. "Daisuke, Weave your portal above the skies of Emberstone Village!"

Murmurs in Draconic began, spoken in verse with the tune of airy, rasping inhale.

Then the earth cried out, and before them all it began to rise like an ancient god of stone, crackling and squeezing under Khafra's will to hold the grand convocation in his mind. It took every effort to hold on in twain to the magnitude of Aether given will by the Ensorceller's scroll.

The Dragons breathed, and cast upon it their breaths! Hard rock plunged to the great, rising mass, and it rapidly grew until only their sustained exhale could keep the mass afloat, streams of stone feeding the great mass into one great block of undoing.

At the same moment, Daisuke spoke and yelled, gesturing broadly. Light punctured the abyss as he screamed answered prayers out to the halls beyond. The scent of Aether, like ozone, spread through the cavern like a sickening mist.

Antarok, the Wushan Territory of the Jian Empire
In the skies above Wushan, directly above Emberstone Village, a Portal opened like a black spot, nearly eighty feet wide. From its gaping darkness tumbled "Vengeance," a great dark cube like a small moon tumbling towards the earth.

Its volume about fifty-five feet across at every surface by virtue of its Cant, the thrown block caught fire, 160 million pounds of densely packed black granite tumbling slowly from the lower fringes of Céleste like a falling star on the horizon seen for many miles around.

In the Ur'Duun, an Ensorceller stepped forward as the rock rushed by, igniting a scroll to shutter the portal almost as soon as the rock had been dropped. Mystic spies among the Huo watched it tumble towards their planted mirrors, and all eyes among the crowd turned to them while they all grimly waited to confirm the total desolation of Emberstone Village.

9x 1.3 Potency = 11.7 Master Spell Reserves worth of Terra. 160 million pounds of black granite, about 55 feet across and fifty feet high now tumbles down directly towards Emberstone Village from the stratosphere.

To perform this, I was allowed four Master Spell Reserves of Grist, and I was given a Four-Mirrored Conjuration to channel Khafra's power through, and he additionally cast another for a total of Five Master Terra Reserves. Every spell was Canted with an added 30% potency.

Two Spheres worth of Conjurations to Portal Khafra's group there and to shut the Portal were used. Daisuke opened the Portal upon his own.

Winter 68, Year 125 of the Third Age

Bahn'Shei Outskirts

Letting out a long sigh, the Zephyri-Exodii Fælnir that was Wulfnoð Von'Ældullech was finally home, flying at running speed so as not to use his spell reserves in Zephyr. Thick-glass goggles sat over his eyes, a small bit of arcana radiating from the item itself as he simply couldn't believe he had been able to obtain such a simple but incredibly necessary object. Having done some testing, he found that his personal perfect altitude for flying was around 7,000 feet, as that was where low level jet streams sat to give him a natural boosting to his speed. However, the air quickly changed temperaments for Wulfnoð, looking around for what exactly was changing the way things felt. And then, he saw it.

High in the air above Antarok, the massive streak of light that was the meteor could be seen, especially with the height Wulfnoð had at anyone on sea level. Changing his course in a large natural curve, the fact that he could see it from where he was meant that the impact would mess up the entire plane. So, he might as well see what's going on, giving seven brief bursts of aeromancy to rocket himself faster and faster towards the meteor. Of course, he wouldn't make it there before the meteor impacted. At best, with his current velocity reaching gradually to around 200 miles per hour, he would get to Jian at minimum in 10-12 hours. It was still faster than traveling by foot or by caravan, but whatever would happen in the next half-day was completely out of the control of the Fælniri Galdr user.

1 Spell Reserve for Galdr:
Soar uses no Aether to activate or maintain. Each use of Aeromancy is an Apprentice-level use, and can be allowed up to 9 times per 1 Spell Reserve before using up all Aether. At 7 bursts total, 1-0.77=0.23 Spell Reserves remaining.


Galinn (Kage in female form) couldn't help but feel that she had been followed ever since the previous night's operations. It made sense – she had really fucked shit up. She had thousands of years of experience with subterfuge, had helped overthrow governments more times than she could even remember. Literally – a perfect spy like her had their memory wiped and adjusted as necessary.

Now that she had threaded her treants around Jian, she had a finger on the pulse of what was going on. And… well, one thing really worried her. Something big was going to happen soon. If not today, then sometime soon. While she couldn't tell exactly what was going to happen, but she had her suspicions. She knew enough to know that she ought to get the hell out of dodge. She would go home and report her findings to her superiors.

She passed through a portal her assistant made for her, allowing her and her pets/servants to escape into a nexus and back to AElheim. With any luck, Galinn would be able to tell her superiors and warn them that something with global implications may be occurring soon.

Kage's NPC: Expert cast for Nexus portal.
0.33 - 0.33 = 0 reserves left

Kirin stood at the top of a sakura tree sprung from Xie's roots, watching the battles below. She did not play the role of scout so much as healer and fighter, but with her dryad companions scattered to heal the wounded, she did not want to spend her time and magic where it was yet unnecessary. It was from this perch where she saw it appear. She had no name for what it was when it first appeared, a cube meteor that descended apace from the sky above, but she could clearly see where it was headed.

Kirin did not waste time, and immediately began weaving Floramncy through the grove within and around Emberstone Village. She didn't know how much time she had. Whispers carried on the wind via Zephyr to her fellow dryads across the battlefield to stop what they were doing and join her in raising Xie Chuntian's roots into a massive net of trees. They could blot out the sky and, with any luck, prevent a brutal impact. She had no thought to who, what, or how this thing appeared, or even if it were some trick of the light or Huo magic. It was far better to react to what she saw than to theorize on what it could be. The tree that Kirin stood on outstretched its arms to allow her travel even closer to Emberstone Village so that she may better begin raising the trees. From her hooves, the manipulation of Saol and her Draoidh led these sakura trees to sprout from around and within the village.


1 Aether Spell Reserves
-0.11 Aeroresonance + Aeromancy to send messages to other Dryads in the general area

1 Saol Spell Reserves
- 0.00 Grandmaster casts of Floramancy (within her Grove)

The tides of battle were turned instantly, that much was apparent. A massive hole appeared in the sky, and from said portal a gargantuan cube-shaped rock exited. One could only surmise that the source was from the enemy forces; the Huo clan. They had every intention of eliminating the very foundation of the Futorisugi clan. Food was a more important resource in the land of Hatairu than in many other places. It was what provided sustenance to the frontlines of this war.

Without the vital calories needed to continue to fight, they would certainly perish. Obviously, there were foreign scouts that had surveyed the area and knew that this was Wushan's Achilles' heel. The Futorisugi & Moonflower Joint forces were doomed if this massive rock made a direct impact. The Hoshikage had been informed on short notice, in the same fashion that the massive chunk of earth arrived.

However, Tsukiyori Takeyoshi remained vigilant and exited his quarters without hesitation. The "Bountiful Protector" had a massive frame and hardly fit through the doorframes of his own home. He chose to live among the general population, as opposed to being holed up in a beautiful palace. There was nothing more important to him than protecting and maintaining the Futorisugi lineage.

"Ready the Jisei-Tai, it is time, my Honorable children." He commanded with a thunderous roar. The five-hundred-pound Hoshikage had been well-fed and prepared for this day to come. The Huo clan were known for using dirty tactics in combat and never cared for honor. That is why they fought endlessly in the name of their Patron, Xiang Xiatan; that wretched Beast who brought about the light in the land of Taigama. The moment his voice echoed about Emberstone Village, one hundred of his finest men and women alike exited their homes. The Futorisugi would die if it meant protecting their future generations and would not allow some dishonorable vagabond to destroy their home.

The Chushi, who were in the middle of cooking dishes, were brought to a halt and ordered to flee as far away as possible. However, amid the chaos that arose, the one hundred stood strong and remained resolute. Prepared to give their lives without question; it was an honor to die for one's clan. The one hundred faced certain death and knew their time had come, but they would die heroes. They rushed to the epicenter, just beneath where the gargantuan meteor would strike.

They formed a multitude of interconnected circles, at the command of the Hoshikage, just beneath the steel-grade branches formed by Kirin. There were approximately three thousand pounds of bodies beneath the rock formation. However, something strange happened in that moment. The roots began to tremor beneath all their feet; Emberstone itself could be felt vibrating. Cracks formed in the foundation of stone built by the Futorisugi themselves. The vibrations turned into tremors, as massive roots approximately 25 feet in diameter exited. The Hoshikage himself ran to join the suicide corps in their final mission.

"Thousand Pound Rebuke!" The entirety of the formation yelled, at such a volume that their voices would be heard throughout all of Wushan.

A historic event was taking place, one that had never been witnessed by several generations of Futorisugi or Moonflower. Xie Chuntian had been disturbed from her nigh-eternal slumber. Who dared to wake the Ancient?

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Sjal was flying along, scanning the horizon when something odd appeared in the sky. It looked like… a massive portal. Something was… coming out of it.

"What the hell is that?" Sjal asked the dragon she flew next to.

"We drop big rock on Moonflower bastards. Town go BOOM."

"That town over there?" Sjal asked rhetorically, looking down to what must have been the target. "That'll never work. See, they're already growing defenses." She could see massive movements in the trees. It was going to be hard to do any damage if the 'bastards' had enough time to erect defenses.

"Then do something about it, little one," the dragon said with a grunt.

"You know what? I will."

Sjal paused in the air and focused for ten seconds on creating a portal that led not too far away from the town. She slipped through it and hovered just above the treetops about 500 feet from the edge of civilization / shield that was being constructed.

Unlike her first set of portals, this one would only take half the time to form. She thrust her hands out to either side and two massive portals tore open in unison. One right in front of her, pointing right at the town like a cannon. The other, far enough under the falling rock to catch it as it hit terminal velocity.

The result, unless interrupted somehow, would be the rock disappearing from the sky and instead coming at an angle. Her goal was to massively cut down on the time the defending forces had to prepare for the attack to hit. Plus she hoped that it would still destroy much of the town... but there was no telling what would happen, especially if the defenses were more formidable than she expected. Afterwards, she floated casually back through the first portal she made to rejoin the dragons in the sky.

Natare is free flight

-0.33 Expert Portal
-1.00 Master Portal
= 1.67

. . .

Roots and brambles snaked towards that growing point of light in the sky. To the denizens of Emberstone Village, there was a brief lull catching at the throats of all who braced for attack.

Even the screams seemed to grow quiet. Women and children, chefs and peasants cowered while some ran with their backs turned to the light.

It grew brighter, and brighter.


With an otherworldly twist of fate, the light changed direction for a split second. In the next moment the roots were torn through like paper as the rock traveled from Sjal's egress in the same span of time one could blink an eye.

Again there wasn't any sound. Bright light breached the dome and seared forth right at the center of town. It hurled in at an angle away from the enormous root that had erupted from the ground, sparing no moment for their verdant, portly god to spare them.

There was a glare from afar as the meteor struck the ground. Rays of brilliant light shone like a sheltered sun through the dome of roots for miles around in that instant.

Though the Futorisugi slammed their feet and prayed as they wove Saol into their very beings, they could only do all they could just to exist without immediately being blown apart in the conflagration among themselves as the world erupted around them in a brilliant rush of color, heat, and force peeling upon their blubbery hides.

Ck-bk-gkkkkghhhk! CH-CHAK!

Thunder rushed outward, and an eruption of flame spouted forth from the dome, blowing out first the opposite side. The great, central root at the center buckled, then ruptured before crashing into the rising torrent. Thunderous rancour raced outward as the dome fell apart, carrying with it first a might sound that ruptured every ear drum in a two mile radius from the impact.

Then the heat rushed outward.

For many near the center of Emberstone Village, their lives ended in an instant before they even registered what had happened, bodies blown asunder in a brilliant flash that tore through the dome of brambles. Homes, families, and dragons alike were burned to ash, further then to husks and ruins. Those who lived two miles from the impact were afflicted by a wave of rushing heat that lit their clothes aflame and seared their flesh while the sheer force of wind knocked them prone.


All who fought upon the front lines were made to bare witness to the direction of their home being lit up by calamity.

Rock spewed in all directions, hurtling like boulders through the skies as fire rained upon Wushan. The sky turned red, and a shockwave spread across the country loud enough to make the ears ring. As far as Arcanis, the sensitive of hearing could pick up on the crack roaring through the air. This force carried down through the ground into the Ur'Duun, causing the chasms beneath to buckle in against themselves. Caverns beneath Hatairu collapsed, and the ground within several miles shuddered while men stumbled beneath the mild seismic shock.

At the center of an apocalypse, the Futorisugi persisted, huddled up in Rebuke as their Saol waned. One by one they disappeared in the storm of elements, never to be seen again until only the masters and their Hoshikage stood with their skin on the cusp of boiling away.

At the bottom of a charred crater, the Futorisugi had Rebuked their own deaths, but Emberstone Village and the Chúshī who lived there were no more.

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Imagine for a moment, flying through the air at 200 miles an hour, 300 feet per second. Incredibly fast for any mortal, but given the distance from Bahn'Shei to Jian, impossibly slow. The sound of wind rushing past Wulfnoð's ears, barely able to handle the perspective noise as he travels. Keeping an eye on that meteor dropping, he suddenly watched as it shrunk further and further, flattening in space before disappearing. Did someone do something about it? Was everyone in that area safe? With the angle that Wulfnoð was traveling, he couldn't see what cataclysm was about to be unleashed.

Sunlight. No wait, not sunlight. How was that possible, the sun was above him he thought? He had to shield his eyes from the sheer energy being unleashed, the motion of his arm slowing himself a bit, but not enough to cause any perceptive change in speed. However, all sounds other than the air traveling past his ears had ceased. Seconds rolled by, which turned into minutes, which turned into hours. Closing in on 2.5 hours of flight, his flight path was disrupted with a shockwave that ripped through air, an earth-shattering explosion ringing his ears, but thankfully not damaging them. But still, he had to cover his ears from the intense blastwave of impact.

"What the fuck...?" Wulfnoð's heart raced, nearly leaping out of his chest as his momentum was unchanged. He was fast, but sound was much faster than he was, reaching him before he could reach the site of the meteor drop. Even without seeing it, he knew. Anything and anyone at the site of impact was surely dead, or if not dead, begging to be put out of their misery. Was it real, the sound and sights he had just heard and seen? The potential destruction frightened him almost, as used to fighting as he was. But this was not just fighting, but a proper war. Something he had no experience in, as young as he was.

And yet, the morbid curiosity of the Fælnir Zephyrii urged him to keep going, expending as much of his arcana as he could safely to fly faster, now hitting 300 miles per hour, clocking now at 440 feet per second. It was a substantial increase in speed, but nowhere near enough to get there any sooner. By the time he got there, it would easily be 8 hours or so before he got there, during the night where anyone who had survived and could move would attempt to scour the remains of the site, if there even was anything left. And for the first time, Wulfnoð felt an emotion that he had not fully felt in his life before, not since he had been taken into Bahn'Shei and not since he started flying.


0.23 Spell Reserve for Galdr:
Soar uses no Aether to activate or maintain. Each use of Aeromancy is an Apprentice-level use, and can be allowed up to 9 times per 1 Spell Reserve before using up all Aether. At 2 additional bursts total:
0.23 - (0.11x2) = .01 Spell Reserves remaining.


The thunderous roar of piercing sound, sharp enough to lob off one's ears echoed about the vicinity. Mercy had been on the way to the frontlines of battle but had arrived too late. The impact was heard and seen from Moonshadow Glen. He arrived on a steed; given to him by the sentinel corps a small force of approximately twelve of the finest Swordsmen in the land of Hatairu. The gossamer-thin strands of his hair fluttered about in the gale caused by the impact. A pillar of flames, ash and brimstone erupted from the impact sight, and Mercy charged into the flame without hesitation.

The Samurai had not been shocked in the least bit; The Huo were infamous for their dirty tactics and use of magic in combat. Wraith carried a gourd filled with water, although it alone was not enough to extinguish all the flames. He'd arrived just in time to smell the potent scent of charred flesh. There were hardly any survivors, other than of course the Hoshikage himself, and approximately twenty members left standing from the impact. The remaining Futorisugi looked skinny, and almost frail from having used so much of their body fat to survive.

On the way Mercy decided to wrench control of approximately 6,000 gallons of water and hardly managed to maintain it floating along his path. This had been a taxing, yet worthwhile task as eight tendrils composed too of water extended from his spinal cord on either side of his frame. The steed trotted through the forest of Tsukai; only to emerge at the Edge of what remained of what once was the glorious Emberstone village. The buildings were marred, and majority of their once sturdy frames of volcanic rock were shattered.

The Samurai pulled on the reins of his Steed; wrought with dragon scale of pink hue caused by Xie Chuntians outer alchemy. The earth itself beneath the village began to whine. That sound caused the hair on his nape to stand erect; these were the sounds of Xie Chuntians awakening. The Samurai knew that he had to act fast; for when she did wake from her slumber unparalleled destruction would be unleashed upon the land. He hoped that Xie Chuntian would show mercy despite his egregious actions on the field of battle. The Tousei-Gusoku armor he wore had several metallic components; far heavier and more functional than traditional Hakama. However, this worked against him as the metal rose in temperature and began to burn his flesh.

He screamed at the top of his lungs; the digits of his hands shook, and the water that floated just above his cranium took the shape of an octopus with tentacles approximately 25' in length. The male worked to extinguish as many of the fires as possible, only to see through the smoke that there was a gargantuan crater as opposed to the once beautiful stone-laden "Streets" of the village. His armor steadily cooled, and Wraith too assisted in putting out the fires.

"Wraith.. Get the Hoshikage away from here, report to Tsukihana at once! I'll go deal with these Huo bastards myself!" He said as he could still hear the clash of blades, howling, and blood-curdling screams from approximately ten miles away. His familiar nodded head, and escorted the Hoshikage, and what remained of his skinny-regimen back toward Moonshadow Glen to regain their weight. Mercy worked to rescue as many of the small-number of survivors as possible.

1x Expert level Aquari to wrench control of 6,000 Gallons of Water; shape and Manipulate it into the form of an Octopus, and slosh it around to put out fires.
1x Apprentice level cast of Aquari from Familiar to put out fires.


Sjal had very little time to plan a retreat. Her plan to skip the meteor across the ground was not effective, not that she even had time to comprehend what had happened. There was a massive sound that was so forceful that it tore apart the large portal she created. She was lucky that it was able to redirect at least some of the impact into the air above the town because otherwise she likely would have been vaporaized.

Instead, she was shoved through the smaller portal that she had taken to get into position. All she heard was ringing – her eardrums were perforated. She couldn't see anything – her eyes were blinded. She couldn't feel anything – her skin was literally bubbling in some spots.

She was transported to where the dragons were flying, or were flying, except she couldn't see or hear for shit so she tumbled towards the ground. And then, she wasn't falling anymore. One of the dragons had swooped down to intercept her which also was not a very pleasant feeling. She felt the crunch of her bones smashing upon impact.

She would live, probably, but the repairs to make her whole again… that would take some time, even with magic.

The collision of blades, gusts of winds powerful enough to knock over even the Futorisugi overtook the battlefields. Massive steel-grade roots marred the ground with such force that the soil trembled for several kilometers. Even those on the battlefield took a moment of pause; as the immense presence of Xie Chuntian seemed to terrify every blade of grass in Hatairu. The Atrium shook, and eventually the gargantuan 50' wide trunk of what was thought to be her form erupted. Her roots penetrated the soil, and she exited the very tree that was at the center of Moonshadow Glen. The Ghosts of Hatairus bloody past too arose with their Ancient patron.

Time itself seemed to stop with her emergence from her self-imprisonment. All the residents of Moonshadow Glen, and those who remained alive in Wushan fell to their knees. They bore witness to an event that hadn't taken place in thousands of years and had only been written about in scrolls. However, several generations had gone-by without so much as a physical word from the Matriarch of Hatairu. There were no familiar faces in her presence, but all the land recognized her majestic form. Several hundred feet of roots were pulled free from beneath the recesses of The Atrium.

Her wings expanded, and in one swift-motion she arose from the ground and seemed to immediately arrive in the oyster-white cloud-formation in the skies above Moonshadow Glen. The winds generated by the sheer force of her flight parted the skies and were in clear-sight of the battlefield. She spoke in a thunderous roar for all of Jian to hear; even though those in the lands of Dongji, and Koyomi may only hear her voice faintly.

"Rise, my honorable Kin!" The Ancient spoke as the once gusts of wind that tore through the battlefield became gales and carried her triumphant voice through her land. Xie Chuntian felt the vibration that came from the massive square-shaped meteor launched by the Huo clan. A boom loud enough to be heard throughout all Tsukai seemed to stop time itself. The entirety of the battlefield took pause, and all the forces on either side of the conflict looked to the sky with a combination of awe, and horror. The combination of her crimson, and Sakura colored scales was a spectacle for all to witness.

Xie Chuntian has arisen; Dragons of Fabula went to spread the word to the denizens of Hatairu, and those on the battlefield alike. The thunderous roar of her Army rose, a battlecry that would make the hairs of the enemies nape stand erect echoed about the vicinity; as wind whipped through the tree-line.

There hasn't been a post here in awhile and most of us are done while the one we're waiting on a second post from (Kirin) seems busy, so I'm calling this thread. Kirin should be assumed to have used their Floramancy to survive.

Note: I tend to count "effort" that coincides with play such as the math of Spell Reserve notation, attached images, or OOC notes which are not copy-pasted as "words" so long as the in-character "written text" portion meets the minimum 150 words.

Earned XP
Khafra (Now Tom Trite): 15 XP (1,514 words)
Merciful/Mercy: 24 XP (2,405 words)
Sjal/Kage: 9 XP (903 Words)
Wulfnod: 7 XP (751 Words)
Kirin: 3 XP (299 Words)

Full canonization by Merciful is expected.

侍の{Storyteller Review} 審査​

Sjal has earned the title of Shogun for her valiant effort in preventing the Defense of Emberfall. (Minor Merit required + Experience for title track, see codex.)

Sjal can expect to make a full recovery if there is at minimum 3 solos of treatment/Healing at the Gektou research facility. However, she will retain hearing loss, and have permanent tinnitus; as well as being blind in one eye. Along with discolored flesh; having been stripped by the intense heat of the burns.

Kirin has earned the title of Shogun for her effort to defend Emberfall. (Minor merit required + Experience for title track, see codex.

Emberfall has been destroyed, and for the most part all that remains are the ruins of what was once a well-established village.

All rewards/EXP have been approved.​


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Antarok is a living forum roleplaying game with experience-based progression where time flows in the game as it does in the real world.