
Welcome to the Antarok Forum Roleplaying Game!

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WIP Foreman

This content isn't finished yet and may soon change.


Approved Character
Ur'Duun Miner
Right beneath your feet!
Character Sheet
F O R E M A N​
Explorer of the Ur'Duun​


Rakshasa of the Qabila Caste,
29 Years Old, Born on the 5th of Summer,
2'8" Tall, 18 Lbs, Alkahest Miner
Fluent in Common, Jinnic, and Rakkish

Foreman is an orange Maine Coon with a long-whiskered face, and he's about as big as one too. Often he can be seen wearing a little mining helmet he made, affixed with a compartment containing Aligned Luxium which he uses to shine lights on things in the dark. Other than this, he wears a utility vest, and glass goggles over his eyes.

Foreman is simply, and coldly focused on his earthly machinations. He exists to mine the Ur'Duun, and that is his sole calling. He is rarely in much of a hurry to do more than mining rocks, or making Automata to that end. If anyone bothered him, or tried to stop him - or did a poor job of mining rocks, well, they would earn his ire.

Foreman was born to Antarok amid the cavernous halls of the Ur'Duun. For the first few decades of his life, he wandered the masonry of fallen civilizations, skirting the Vokhan whilst learning what he could about the Gnomish Automata which had fallen derelict following the decline of the Dvergar and Gnomish Holds.

After a time, Foreman made his way to the surface and naturally gravitated towards the city of Arcanis. He quickly grew to resent the noisy, tangled-up lives of his fellow Rakshasa, and went right back to digging. At least now he had a way to trade the minerals and Alkahest he dug up for metal to make Automata out of something other than scrap.

Foreman traded some Alkahest he'd mined in exchange for an initiation into Terra. After a few pointers that same day, he never bothered to see his mentor again.
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  • Skill Name Level XP
    Terra Apprentice 25/250
    Apparation Apprentice 25/250
    Artifice Apprentice 25/250
    Ensorcelling Apprentice 25/250
    Smithing Apprentice 25/250
    Engineering Apprentice 25/250
    Deepcraft Apprentice 25/250
  • Value Change XP
    Starting Package 250 250
    Racial Merit: Apparation -0 250
    Minor Merit(1): Terra -0 250
    Minor Merit(2): Enterprise Duty -25 225
    Minor Merit(3): Alkahest Mine -50 175
    25 Terra -25 150
    25 Apparation -25 125
    25 Ensorcelling -25 100
    25 Artifice -25 75
    25 Engineering -25 50
    25 Smithing -25 25
    25 Deepcraft -25 0
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  • Handpick
    > Augments
    >> Geomenite-Aligned Tool

    Mining Helmet
    > Augments
    >> Luxiumite-Aligned Lamplight
    >> Manual Open/Close Lamplight

    Utility Vest
    > Artificer's Kit
    > Ensorceller's Kit
    > Prospector's Kit
    > Engineering Kit
    > Deepcraft Survival Kit
  • 38x Grams of Geomenite Dust
  • Enterprise
    Deep Minerals

    We mine rare minerals, and Alkahest too!

    Alkahest Mine
    Claim Locations

    Location #01: Southern Arcanis Subterra
    > Along a Y-shaped stretch of caverns beneath the southern edge of Arcanis, Foreman's first claim is deep within the Ur'Duun, and far away from much of anything. This is where he goes when his favored mines are contested. While not as rich as other locales he's found, this one is the safest, and the most private thus far.

    Location #02: Eastern Ælheim Subterra
    > Far beneath eastern Ælheim, and closer to the coastline south of the mountains sits a stretch of caverns rich in Geomena. Foreman mines here off and on, but occasional contact with Dvergar, Gnomes, Vokhan, Kobold, and even Dragons has led to him considering this claim to be more trouble than it's worth.
  • Summer 124

    Mining Labor Tally
    10 = Foreman
    > 4 (2 Deepcraft x2 Aligned Tool)
    > 6 (Apprentice Terra, 2 Apprentice Spell Reserves)

    Total Multiplier 1.1
    > .1 Apprentice Deepcraft

    Total: 11 Labor

    Mining Yield
    9 Grams of Geomenite Dust

    Seasonal Points Tally
    Base SP: 3
    > +2 Apprentice Primary Skill
    > +1 Duty Primary Skill

    Multiplier: 115x
    > 100 Base
    > 15 Rank 3 Alkahest Mine

    Total: 345 SP

    Seasonal Points Expenditures
    -10 SP 1x Grams of Luxiumite Dust
    -330 SP 30x Grams of Geomenite Dust

    Remainder: 5 SP

    Alkahest Expenditures
    1x Luxiumite Gram >> Foreman's Mining Helmet Lamplight
    1x Geomenite Gram >> Foreman's Aligned Handpick
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About Us

Antarok is a living forum roleplaying game with experience-based progression where time flows in the game as it does in the real world.