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OOC General Fauna Compendium

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Lord of the Forest
Approved Character
Character Sheet
Animals often found in places like temperate rainforests, conifer forests, subalpine forest, boreal forests, oak woodlands, and pinyon-juniper woodlands may also be found here. Further, nocturnal animals are particularly common, with some unique variants having been borne of Ældrassil's influence.

Write-ups for specific, notable wildlife can be found here.

For fauna, be sure to follow the guidelines outlined here and notate the CR of the creature:
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Below is a general guideline for creating fauna, though it should be noted that one can create a simplified (or more complicated) version with less detail if one wishes.
Challenge Rating 1-6
Created by: [your name]


Cultural Significance:



Biome Role:

Life Cycle:


Notable Features:
  • NAME
  • NAME


Minor Merit

100 XP - Minor Ability

250 XP - Major Ability

[style=margin: 20px auto 20px auto; max-width: 700px; padding: 5px 30px 10px 30px; border-top: double 6px #cda0f2; border-right: double 6px #c29a4a; border-bottom: double 6px #c2784a; border-left: double 6px #674a96; border-radius: 3px][style2=margin: auto; max-width: 600px; padding: 35px 0px 30px 0px; color: #eee3ff; text-align: left; font-family: "Cutive Mono"; font-size: 108%][CENTER]ATTACH-IMAGE[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=7][B]NAME[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=6]Challenge Rating 1-6[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=5]Created by: [your name][/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE=5][B]Description:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B]Cultural Significance:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B]Habitat:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B]Size:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B]Biome Role:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B]Life Cycle:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B]Resources:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B]Notable Features:[/B][/SIZE] [LIST] [*][SIZE=4]NAME[/SIZE] TEXT [*][SIZE=4]NAME[/SIZE] TEXT [/LIST] [SIZE=8][CENTER][B]Beast Magic:[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [size=6]Minor Merit[/size] Yes/No [SIZE=6]100 XP - Minor Ability[/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [SIZE=6]250 XP - Major Ability[/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [/style2][/style]
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Ælheim's forests

~1.2m at the shoulder
190 to 240cm body length
45 to 90cm tail length
Male Weight: 180 to 240kg
Female Weight: 100 to 210kg

Biome Role:
Nomadic herbivores

Life Cycle:
Live in herds of 10 to 40 animals
Lifespan of around 20 years
Maturity reached at around 2 years

Cultural Significance:

The gembok is a majestic antelope with distinct long, straight or curved amethyst horns that extend prominently from its head. Its striking appearance includes a contrasting black and white facial pattern (often with a purple glow), and its body is covered in a light grayish-purple coat with subtle markings. This forest-dwelling creature possesses a robust and lean physique, adapted for survival in arboreal environments.

Gembok are swift, durable creatures requiring one to be a good shot or very fast to catch and subdue. If one can catch them, however, then they are of little threat to most experienced hunters.
Inexperienced hunters trying to strike them from melee range would struggle significantly to keep up with them and may be struck with horn or hoof.

Notable Features:
  • CR2 Fauna
  • The gembok is a variant of the gemsbok that is unique to Ælheim. Unlike its desert counterpart, it is nocturnal and has adapted to thrive in the dark, forested environs courtesy of Ældrassil's outer alchemy
  • Their horns and hooves are composed of solid amethyst
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Fauna Submission by ThatOneWeirdo

Ælheim - Jungle Biomes

Body Length: 18in - 25inch | Wingspan: 30inch | Tail: 10inch

Biome Role:
Small Jungle Carnivore

Life Cycle:
Hatchling: 3 months
Juvenile: 3 months to 6 months
Adolescent: 6 months to 1 year
Young adult: 1 years to 2 years
Adult: 2 years to 40 years (max)

Hatchlings: Heavily depends on the parents providing food at this stage.

Juvenile: They can hunt insects and small rodents (mice, rats). Parents stop providing for young, but they can stay at the nest untill Adolescent.

Adolescent: They get kicked out from the next along with any siblings they may have. Siblings usually form groups for survival and hunting untill they reach young adult.

Young Adult: Groups of siblings split and go solo to prepare to look for an unrelated male or female partner.

Adult: They are fully matured and bonds formed with unreleated males or females made when they were young adults, usually become mates.

Cultural Significance:

A small wyvern-like creature that is the size of a cat. Their markings/patterns are a bioluminescent blue, the rest of their bodies can be any colour

  • Opportunistic, Nocturnal Hunters
  • Will eat insects if available and other food sources are inaccessible; usually only as a last resort
  • They can hunt animals 3x larger than themselves: (foxes, deer, coyotes, etc). Normally only do so in mated pairs if they are providing for young
  • Primarily eats creatures that are much smaller than themselves if solo or in a mated pair. Ex: rodents (mice and rats), small lizards, rabbits, baby or juvenile-adolescent herbi/carni animals (depending on size)
  • They regurgitate venom to spit on prey, usually only used on large prey to immobilise them faster

Notable Features:
  • CR2 or CR3, mostly depends on temperament
  • Nocturnal
  • Gatherings of Dælophosaurus may communally feed if food is plenty
  • They are around the size of house cats
  • They come in all patterns and shades of blue. Blue is the most common colour among them and any other colours are usually the result of non-lethal mutations
  • Males are normally more bright and vibrant, while females are generally darker and don't glow as bright
  • Females are larger than males
  • Regurgitates blue, bioluminescent vemon to paralyse their prey
  • Lays clutches of 8-12 eggs. Majority don't hatch, those who do hatch usually die at Hatchling-Juvenile stages
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Fauna Submission by ThatOneWeirdo

Can be found anywhere with Fresh Water, though they prefer lochs.


Biome Role:
Carnivorous Equine

Life Cycle:
As a foal, they live with their mothers until they become young adults, then they split to look for their own water source. They live long lives, sometimes around 300 years. As such, offspring are a rarity.

Cultural Significance:

Kelpies can be found anywhere with fresh water sources.
  • If they are in Ælheim, their Glamour of Illusion will have bioluminescence in their hair or body.
  • If in a place where there is no bioluminescence, they just look like a horse native to that environment.
  • True Form: The true from of the Kelpie is a monstrous, carnivorous horse that eats mortal races or anything that will drink from their chosen lake if given the opportunity.
    • Their teeth are sharp, they can unhinge their jaw for a better grip on struggling prey to drag them to a watery grave where they will drown and eat the victim.
    • Coats can have a thing layer of hair, hairless leathery skin, or scaly and fish-like
    • Their tails are long with fish-like fins to help with swimming.

Kelpies hunt in a variety of ways; they are opportunistic hunters.
  • Ambush predators beneath the surface, similar to crocodiles, if hunting other fauna.
  • The use of their Glamour allows them to look like beautiful white/black horses with bioluminescent green or blue manes and markings. But, they are not. It's an Illusion to lure in prey. The illusion evaporates if they leave the water, so most just stand at the water's edge with their back legs submerged up to their ankles.

  • Territorial toward other Kelpie herds, depending on how big the water source is.
  • A male Kelpie will only share territory with females and one (1) other male if the herd is large enough.
  • Will only share water sources with other herds if:
    • The body of water is deep enough and the shoreline is big enough for them all.
    • Only up to 3 herds max within a single water source.
    • Similar to wolf packs in terms of keeping to their own territory, if lake is split in two-three. Each herd will keep to their side.
  • Offspring get driven off once they reach maturity.
  • Young, nomadic bachelor herds do NOT claim territory, they often travel from water source to water source in search of food.

Notable Features:
  • CR4 Beast
  • Cathemeral hunters (active during day and night)
  • Preferably only eat creatures that live on land, but they can eat waterweeds and waterplants to sustain themselves between large meaty meals. Mostly to settle their stomachs from eating bones.
  • It is the females that do the hunting majority of the time.
  • Females will sometimes ambush and eat their herds male(s):
    • If they are weaker than the females
    • If they want a new male in the territory
    • If the male is sick / injured / old
  • Black and white coats are the most common, but they can have other colours you find in normal horses.
  • Some have scales, some have smooth leathery skin, some have a thin layering of hair.
  • Sharp teeth for tearing into prey

Kelpie Abilities:
  • Illusion: Kelpies have the Beast Glamour of Minor Illusion. They can look like beautiful horses standing on the shoreline with long flowing manes and tails, but really; it's just an Illusion to lure in prey.
    • Drawback: The Kelpie has to keep at least one (1) hoof submerged in their water source or it will evaporate and they will look their true, monstrous self.
  • Sticky Hide: Any mortal who touches or rides on the back of a Kelpie will become stuck.
    • Drawback: As a result of their pray thrashing to free themselves, the Kelpie, over time, becomes more and more monstrous and almost "undead" in appearance as they are damaged. As such, the more they feed, the more monstrous they look.

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Challenge Rating 5
Submitted by Yonakouchi

The Mæntyger is a massive manticore-like wolf-creature bordering on myth. Nearly as large as an adult dragon, its method of ambushing prey by skewering it with a two foot barb upon its scorpion tail makes it a standout feature of compendiums warning about the dangers of arid, mountainous, and subterranian regions of Ælheim. Anywhere that isn't too cold, or a forest, this creature can be found skulking with enough dedication. They are easily agitated yet only kill when actively hunting, in defense of its pups, wounded, or harassed in some way. Most of the time, it will pass over those who freeze and make little noise.

Highly intelligent for an animal, the Mæntyger is as smart as a working dog, if not smarter. It can recognize patterns, and adapt its hunting strategy, or avoid prey that fights back in favor of that which cannot.

Cultural Significance:
Every child of Ælheim who lives near to the territory of a Mæntyger is sure to be told how to survive the encounter, Fælnir or Ælf. They will be told to play dead, and to make no noise, or to wreathe themselves in fragrant plants. Draoidh Florabound to strong-smelling herbs or flowers will often be entirely passed over.

The most powerful of Ælven Animists often keep a singular Mæntyger as their Animal Familiar, feeding humans to them for sport . . . or simply to help sate a beast that would need to scarf down a man like a dog hoarfing down a slab of meat every day just to survive.

Arid, mountainous, and subterranian regions of Ælheim may be home to the Mæntyger. They are highly endangered due to the danger they present. There are around three dozen in the Ur'Duun, and a dozen in each clime above ground.

17' / 16,800 Lbs

Biome Role:
Mæntyger are apex predators in nearly every biome, only challenged by even scarcer, more mythical creatures. They help to keep Ælheim Elk and Deer populations under control in the harsher climes where they could easily outbreed and starve themselves of natural resources.

Life Cycle:
Gestating for two years, the female Mæntyger will give birth a litter of two to six pups. They will reach adolescence by twenty years, and sexual maturity by thirty. The Mæntyger will live around two thousand years, otherwise.

Notable Features:

  • Stinger
    The scorpion tail of a Mæntyger has a stinger nearly as big as a man. It wields this more like a spear, prehensile, able to skewer prey like a kebab and twist over to eat them. Failing this, the venom of a Mæntyger is a CR5 Paralytic to nullify with Resistance skill, and injection occurs during a spear-through, filling the body with an immediate sense of cool numbness that spreads with every beat of the heart before the body goes numb and no longer feels pain. For a man, this only takes ten seconds, but it can take several minutes for something its own size to be paralyzed. The stinger can otherwise be swung with enough force that it can pierce steel two inches thick.
  • Saol-Toughened Hide
    A thin veneer of life force creates highly dense network of muscle fibers across much of its body, half again as tough as steel to pierce yet softening considerably towards the vulnerable underbelly. This muscle fiber remains even after the Mæntyger has been slain, making it a valuable hide with enough material to outfit a small troop of soldiers.
  • Saol Camouflage
    The stripes on a Mæntyger muddies the light of bioluminescent flora falling upon it. In spite of their massive size, their leg can look much like the surrounding roug-furred neck blending with the canopy as its tail droops like a vine in the shadows above. When they lay still, their Saol goes dormant, and to the Lifesight of an Ælf they will blend in with the surrounding flora even more until they alight themselves a second before striking. Achieving this with Seeming requires expending 50 XP as a non-merited Beast Magic.
  • Retractable Wings
    Vents behind the shoulderblades of a Mæntyger contain within them its wings, shriveled and shrunken. They take a few minutes to extend and fill with life, but they allow the beast to glide down hills and mountains in spite of its heavy weight. While they are rarely used to glide, the Mæntyger can use them to distract prey, wielding them like a lizard's severable tail to get a feel for danger when threatened, poking and prodding with its wingtips or offering them as a surprisingly tough and leathery screen against projectiles. They will grow back within a year if severed, or a month if ripped.
  • Reticulating Hairs
    Upon the mane of a Mæntyger is a layer of hairs that come off in clumps. These hairs are thin and barbed, tickling and causing agitation. Larger beasts which bite into it will risk getting these into their eyes, blinding them. It would take Tier 4 skill in Medicine or Malediction to peel them out of an eye, but Draoidh or Nymhea could otherwise excise them without difficulty as early as Apprentice.

The Mæntyger is hunted for its venom, Saol-reinforced hide, and reticulating hairs. However, its meat is sour and acidic, inedible to most. One of its wings can be hewn into a hang glider sometimes used by Fælniri hunters to get back down the mountains.

Master (Tier 5) Leatherworking is needed to make anything from its hide or wings beyond a glider, as it is incredibly heavy, thick, and capable of bending the tools that would usually puncture leather to sew it up. It will rot and lose its toughness within a week if the Saol is not properly cured into the leather. Transferring its toughness into Alkemicals would require Expert (Tier 4) Alchemistry.

Seasonal Points Cost:
It costs 810 SP to obtain any benefit from a Mæntyger, as it is a CR5 Fauna. Please consult the Encounters section of the Seasonal Points wiki article.

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Challenge Rating 4
Submitted by Postmaster

The Lesser Glawackus is a dark blue cat of similar size and profile to a large bobcat. It eschews camouflage; the Glawackus' thick fur is studded with bioluminescent patches of moss, intended to draw attention to its bright eyes. The Lesser Glawackus' fluffy tail conceals an array of tiny paralytic stingers. A popular predator in the tales and depictions of the Faelnir, the Lesser Glawackus is one of the few predators of its size willing to attack humans- though only while alone.

These cats seek out lone prey--of nearly any size, including much larger predators--and attempt to gain their attention with threatening noises and bright displays of luminescent fur. Once the prey has looked at them long enough, the cats will attempt to fascinate them with their eyes, closing slowly in and paralyzing them anew by brushing them with their stinging tails. Once assured of the target's incapacity, the Lesser Glawackus will tear out the throat. Given the difficulty of paralyzing multiple prey at once, however, the Lesser Glawackus will nearly always try to flee if additional prey appear.

Cultural Significance:
The Lesser Glawackus is an extraordinarily rare predator, but enjoys an outsized reputation among Faelnir cultures, where it is commonly used in art to symbolize danger. Due to the difficulty of fighting a Lesser Glawackus alone, they are commonly cited as a prime danger in the deep woods; however, their mesmerizing eyes and hide are considered signs of extremely high status, given the rarity of acquiring them.

Forests in northeastern Aelheim.

Average 24 inches tall, 48 inches long

Biome Role:
Opportunistic carnivores, Lesser Glawackus are notable for preferring to hunt other apex predators.

Life Cycle:
The Lesser Glawackus is a solitary hunter, born into litters of 3-6 which reach maturity after about 20 months. They have a projected upper lifespan of about fifteen years, but mostly die from violence or a peculiar array of diseases caused by the moss symbiotes they cultivate.

Glawackus hide is extremely valuable for high-end clothiers if it is properly preserved; although only extremely talented tailors can incorporate the signature mosses into glowing coats or cloaks, the luster and sheen of the hair itself is considered quite a prize for many sorts of expensive attire. The eyes of the Lesser Glawackus are the organ of its wild glamour, and of interest to some mages and maltricians- further they are thought to be especially beautiful when preserved in clear amber and worn as a pendant, but few hunters are prepared to actually preserve those organs.

Notable Features:

  • Glawackus Eyes
  • The primary thing for which the Glawackus is known, its eyes are a color-shifting and bioluminescent marvel. These are literally fascinating- the unwary soul who looks into a Glawackus' eyes for more than a few seconds will find it exponentially more difficult to look away. Anything more than split-second glances will eventually lead to staring, as the beast's wild glamour fills their thoughts with static. As long as the Glawackus maintains eye contact with a fascinated victim, that person will remain compelled to gaze at the cat, unable to think of or react to anything else. Particularly strong-willed individuals (represented by skill at Meditation) may resist this effect, and it will not work on any entity not infused with Saol.

  • Paralytic Tail
  • The Glawackus' eyes are meant mostly to hold a victim in place until the cat can close in and rub it with its tail. The tail contains a bevy of fibers which function much like a jellyfish's stinger, rapidly infiltrating the victim's skin and filling them with a paralytic toxin. This toxin is surprisingly short-lived; although it can achieve total paralysis of a human male within about a minute, it generally clears from the system in under half an hour without adverse effect. As such, Glawackus poison is a favorite choice for assassins who merely wish to temporarily incapacitate a target.

  • Glowing Fur
  • Glawackus fur is notable for its deep hues, but also for the moss colonies which grow thereon, which give the creature an eerie, phantasmal appearance in the dark jungles and make it difficult to avoid looking at the Glawackus- precisely what the creature intends. This feature, however, is often the cat's own undoing; the same chemical makeup which encourages these symbiotic mosses to grow also leads to infections of parasitic moss, the most common cause of death in the species.

Beast Magic: Glawackus Eye
By the use of Seeming or Saol, or by replacing an eye with a properly-preserved Glawackus eye, one may adopt and refine the cat's ability to fascinate.

Minor Merit

100 XP - Minor Ability
By infusing the eye with Saol, the user fills it with light and flickering patterns, gaining the ability to fascinate as a Lesser Glawackus might. This effect is limited to a single target at a time; the longer the target can see the user's eyes, the more effective the wild glamour becomes. This effect breaks immediately if the target can no longer see the user's eyes for any reason, and may be resisted by strong-willed individuals, individuals in the grip of powerful emotions, and entities without Saol in their composition.

250 XP - Major Ability

Mastery of the Glawackus eye can allow it to be used on groups, and gives the user a very minor ability to influence how the fascination itself is remembered. One who sufficiently masters the Eye may fascinate groups of people, though they must still somehow ensure that all targets affected are looking at their eyes for the entire duration of the effect. Furthermore, the user may shape the glamour to give their targets a fuzzy memory of what happened during the time they were fascinated- for example, one could impart to a target that they had seen someone else commit a crime during that period. This effect cannot be used to alter memories from before or after the fascination in any way.
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Coastal Siren
Challenge Rating 5
Submitted by Cælum

Woman on top and fish on the bottom, the coastal siren looks much like most varieties of siren. They are approximately the size of a human, their tail aside. This variety's face appears either human or aelven and can appear to be either male or female. They are very beautiful by traditional aesthetic metrics. They are often spotted near or on shores, enticing anyone foolish enough to fall for their allure. They do not know how to talk and are not sapient. They simply mimic sounds they learn by being around men at sea. Unlike varieties that rely on a hypnotic song, coastal siren are quite aggressive and will actively seek out prey instead of being opportunistic hunters.

Note: it is possible to find CR2 versions of this creature. They have no special powers aside from underwater breathing and simply appear similar to the coastal siren.

Cultural Significance:
A sailor is enjoying his first week on the job. It's a late night but he hears something in the distance. He spies what appears to be a woman floating in the water. It's calling out to him, but he can only just barely make out the words she's saying. He leans forwards instinctively, wishing he could hear what she's saying, to catch a better glimpse of her. The next thing he knows, he's pulled by an unseen force into the water, never to be seen again. Similar tales have been told for thousands of years and yet the young and naïve continue to fall for this simple trick.

Most people in AElheim who regularly travel by sea know of these creatures and the dangers involved, though the average citizen wouldn't know the difference between this siren and another variety.

The coasts of AElheim.

Approximately ten feet long with the top part of their body resembling an average human/aelf size.

Biome Role:
Predators. They can survive off of fish but they need male human partners to reproduce.

Life Cycle:
All Siren are female, regardless of how they present. They produce dozens of eggs which are fertilized by placing them near the torn off male genitalia of a human.

Aquaphobic Oils
The body of a siren is coated with aquaphobic oils. Master Alchemists can take these oils and apply waterproof properties to items.

Master Maltricians can implant these lungs into others to take advantage of features noted below.

Spinal Fluid
The spinal fluid contains a special filtration property. When worked into a metal it can remove impurities at such a microscopic scale that it can push metals to their limits. The fluids from one coastal siren is enough to enhance a weapon's cutting capability by +0.5x steel.

Notable Features:
  • Filtration
    The coastal variety of siren does not have gills, rather they breath much like a mammal does. Their lungs have advanced filtration capabilities, allowing them to breath underwater. They can also filter out particulate matter allowing them to breath in smoke and other such hazardous conditions. The unwanted inhalants are simply breathed back out.
  • Powerful Lungs
    The lungs of a coastal siren are quite powerful. They are primarily used in conjunction with its beast magic to lure people to their doom, but it has many other uses.

    The siren can project their voices over long distances. They can easily be clearly heard hundreds of feet away, even over the sounds of a stormy ocean or a raging battle.

    Their lungs can absorb a lot of oxygen quite rapidly, allowing for aerobic activities to be performed for longer periods of time. They can hold their breath for upwards of ten minutes without any experiencing any negative side effects.

    Once an hour or so they can let out a screech that can deafen nearby creatures, blow a small gust of wind, or even suck in air hard enough to pull things towards them. These effects have a fifteen foot range, extending outwards from the mouth in a cone. A human would likely be deafened for up to ten minutes or permanently if they are at point blank ranges. Blowing/sucking would be able to push/pull most ordinary men at similar ranges.

Beast Magic:
Siren's Voice

Minor Merit

50 XP - Minor Ability
The siren can, at will, make its voice sound otherworldly and strange. It distorts their voice in such a way that it can only partially be understood. Those that hear their voice will think that the only way to hear what they are saying is to get closer. It doesn't force the victim to do anything, though it may provide an incentive to come closer.


Challenge Rating 4
Submitted by Cælum

This spider hangs out in forests, typically in more secluded areas. It is proficient at setting up web traps and catching a large variety of prey. Their webs are common obstacles for travelers who veer off the beaten path. While not particularly hard to cut through if spotted, the webs are capable of restraining fully grown men.

Cultural Significance:
These spiders are often seen as nuisances rather than threats. They don't fight if they can help it, choosing to instead hide in the shadows and check on its traps to find its meals.

Remote areas of AElheim forests.

Five feet tall/long/wide

Biome Role:
They help keep control of populations of medium to small animals.

Life Cycle:
These spiders mate every year and produce many eggs, though most end up dying to predators before they mature. Only a small handful of adults are expected to make it.

The webs can be cut down and collected. They maintain their stickiness if a Journeyman Alchemist handles it properly. The stickiness is a property that can then be added to materials.

Notable Features:
  • Web Organ
    The webs this creature can produce can easily best the strength of an average humanoid creature with less than journeyman fitness. Changelings tend to chimera the web making organ to their wrists so they can secrete it more conveniently. The organ is capable of shooting globs of web up to fifteen feet away.
  • Strong grip
    The hairs of the spider allow it to grip to any surface. It would take an average humanoid journeyman in fitness to easily pull free.
  • Sixth Sense
    The hairs on the spider that are able to pick up the slightest disturbances in the air. This gives them a sixth sense of sorts, allowing them to react to movement up to five meters around them. Those with less than expert stealth are unlikely to be able to sneak up on these spiders within this range or have a surprise attack go exactly as planned.


Challenge Rating 6
Submitted by Cælum

The Grovebane is a creature with an aelven body as a base, bathed in shadows that warp its appearance. The only parts of its body that aren't black are its glowing red eyes. It is seemingly melded to darkness, able to travel from shadow to shadow in the blink of an eye. It is an oddity whose motivations are not well understood. Sometimes it seems content on eerily watching passersby and other times it seems to be filled with a lust for blood. There are only a handful of them in existence and the methods by which they came into being are shrouded in mystery. They possess the bodies of aelves that mysteriously disappeared but do not hold any aggression towards aelves. If anything, they have been known to go out of their way to help aleves by clearing away a scouting party's path when they're being chased or even killing a creature that would have taken an aelve's life.

Cultural Significance:
There's only one public record of one being bested. Legends say it was a Boggle who hunted one down and took its form. They were never again seen in another form, having chosen to assume the form of the grovebane. Rumor has it that the psyche of the creature was so beyond understanding that the Boggle went insane. Others think that the Boggle acts as one of the aelve's most secret weapons. Few even think the legends are made up and that all grovebanes were somehow manufactured to be spies for the founders.

To aelves, seeing one tends to bring unease as their presence is associated with close calls with death or extreme urgency. Still, it's common knowledge that these creatures do not harm aelves. To most other races, seeing one is akin to a death sentence.


5-7 feet tall

Biome Role:

Life Cycle:

Shadow's Eyes
An expert matrician or devorari could implant these eyes into someone, granting them the relevant benefits from Eyes of Foresight detailed below.

Shadow's Corpse
There is enough usable material from the body to make one piece of equipment (weapon or armor) with double the hardness of steel. It takes a grandmaster smith or relevant craft to work this material. Things with this material receive the relevant benefits from Meld detailed below.

The skin of the creature can be transplanted by a master Maltrician or Devorari. Skin transplants large enough to cover a limb are enough to allow the recipient to utilize the Grovebane's beast magic. However, the transplanted skin loses its hardness in the process, ultimately taking on the hardness of the recipient's original skin.

Shadow's Blood
A master alchemist or devorari would be able to process the grovebane's black blood into a single vial of potent black venom. When mixed with someone's bloodstream, the venom works to blacken their blood supply. Death is all but guaranteed without master resistance, and even masters will find themselves unable to heal until the venom is removed. Scarily enough, this venom is reusable if the user goes through the effort of reprocessing the blood.

Notable Features:
  • Meld
    The body of the creature seems to meld in the shadows or even trees, leaving only the reds of its eyes visible. Parts of them that stand in shadow are practically invisible, even to something like an aelf's lifesight.
  • Shapable appendages
    The body of the creature seems to be made out of tangible shadows. Its limbs can be shaped into weaponry and even extended to twice their normal length at will. Oddly enough, they can even launch these limbs from their bodies, acting as projectiles only to reform the limb a few seconds later. One's skill in a crafting or art skill determines the quality of the shaped appendages, though they are always 2x steel in hardness.
  • Eyes of Foresight
    It's thought that the eyes of the grovebane allow it to see into the future as it seems to always know what's about to happen. This is not exactly true, however. Their eyes are able to pick up on even the slightest movements even at far distances. It's because of their enhanced eyesight that they can do things such as spot brush moving an instant before a creature pounces, or see a muscle tense instinctively the moment before an archer draws an arrow. The eyesight of a grovebane is one of the strongest of all.

Beast Magic:
One With The Shadows

Minor Merit

100 XP – Shadow-port
This grants a general sense of what is happening in shadows around them in a 25 foot radius. They are able to instantly move to shadows in this range at will, even if there is no clear path to the shadows. This could allow them to travel past non-magical barriers such as walls.

250 XP – Puppet Master
The user jumps to the shadow of a creature, melding with it over the course of ten seconds. Once the process is complete, the user is able to puppet the victim. They are able to force the target to take any action while in this state.

This can be fought against with master fitness, meditation, or resistance. Alternatively, shining a bright light (luxium or sunlight) on the shadow can break the connection and force the user out of their melded state.
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