
Welcome to the Antarok Forum Roleplaying Game!

If you would like to play, please register an account and notify us through Discord. Please check out our wiki for additional resources. You can find our Discord below: Understand that we are currently in a playtest through the end of 2024, meaning you are welcome to play and earn experience, but there might be sweeping changes before the full site launch in 2025.

Approved Kirin


Approved Character
Draoidh - Master
Zephyr - Master
Character Sheet


Race: Dryad
Age: 1,214
Birthday: March 23rd
Birthplace: Hatairu, Jian
Location: Hatairu, Jian

+ Arcana +
Draoidh - Master
Zephyr - Master

+ Living +
Profession: Moonflower Dryad Royal Guard
Living Standard: Political Class

Factions: Moonflower Clan

+ Languages +
Fluent: Sylvan, Common, Jianese, Draconic


+ Personality +
Kirin has a quick temper shrouded by a millennia of Moonflower values. She partakes in a fragile dance between bottling emotions for the sake of harmony and taking them out on anything that deserves it. She craves the hunt - people, intruders, Huo clan interlopers. Even so far removed from the ancestral land of Dryads, the traits of those residing in Aelphyne influence her mannerisms, and her long lifespan has made it difficult for her to view most others as even sentient.

+ Appearance +
Long since influenced by Xie Chūntiān's dominion of cherry blossoms, and a practitioner of Moonflower's cherry blossom florabinding, Kirin takes an odd appearance, even for a dryad. Her fur is covered with steel-strong and knife-sharp cherry blossom "scales", and a single horn of a blooming cherry branch comes from her forehead. While her torso is protected by armor, the scales protect the rest of her. Her armor is rich in jewel tones, but most everything else about her is pastel. Already albino, with white hair and red eyes, the pale pinks of her deer body do nothing to make her look less ethereal. She is about five feet and 6 inches tall from head to front hoof.

+ History +
Her mother was a Dryad guard of Xie Chūntiān, since slain, and her father was irrelevant even before her birth. Whatever name she was given when she was born was forgotten for her title hundreds of years ago: Kirin. She has trained and lived in service to Xie Chūntiān and her daughter, the Getsukage. As part of her early training for her position as a Dryad of Xie Chūntiān, she was initiated into Zephyr. The timing was chosen after she had begun to control Draoidh without dying as many Dryads do in their youth, but before she was too useful in the guard. It is not ambition or power she has ever sought in this position, but comfort, structure, and the freedom to know she may strike anyone down if she deems they deserve it. Her day to day life has remained largely unchanged through the millennium since her birth, and she has retained a strict daily schedule for the past two hundred of these years.
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+ Skill Ledger +
SwordsGrandmaster250 + Minor Merit [First/Grandmaster]
DraoidhMaster250 + Minor Merit [Racial/Incite]
ZephyrMaster250 + Minor Merit [Second/Incite]

+ Experience Ledger +
CausePoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning TotalPoints Left
+ Starting Experience250250250
+ Character Transfer100012501250
- Draoidh250 - Mastery1000
- Zephyr275 - Minor Merit + Mastery725
- Polearms250 - Grandmastery475
- Security100 - Expert375
- Tactics125 - Expert250
+ Approval151265265
Spell and the Moon71272272
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+ Inventory +
  • Three outfits suitable for a Dryad's body and her ranking
  • A set of well maintained but old Tatami Gusoku
  • Naginata

+ SP Ledger +
CauseSP AwardedSP SpentSP Left
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+ Player Character Relationships +

+ Non-player Character Relationships +

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About Us

Antarok is a living forum roleplaying game with experience-based progression where time flows in the game as it does in the real world.