The Shunkan Tora is a large, black-furred cat with white stripes. They are one of many hazards that exist in the forests around Jian. Their natural camouflage makes them excellent nocturnal hunters, capable of sneaking up on a wide variety of sleeping prey. They also have the ability to blink, allowing them to sink their teeth into their targets before they even knew what hit them. Their primary weakness is bright lights that hurt their eyes. Even a large campfire can be enough to deter attacks.
Cultural Significance:
These tigers are often trained by animists to keep watch over an area at night. In areas where they are prevalent, it's usually someone's job to make sure campfires are bright enough to deter attacks.
Exclusive to Jian forests
4 ft tall, 500 pounds
Biome Role:
Predators, but not Apex by any means
Life Cycle:
Breeding occurs once per year during the summer and births happen six months later. They grow to adolescents at 2 years and can live to be 10.
Their pelts can be used for camouflage.
Their saliva can be harvested by alchemists to create blinding effects. Their venom can likewise be harvested for its saol-affecting properties.
Notable Features:
- See Beast Magic
Beast Magic:
Flicker - operates off of the metaphor Saol Minor Merit
Active: Blink - The user instantly teleports to a nearby location.
Novice: Can blink up to 5 ft. at a time.
Apprentice: Can blink up to 10 ft. at a time.
Journeyman: Can blink up to 15 ft. at a time.
Expert: Can blink up to 30 ft. at a time.
Master: Can blink up to 60 ft. at a time.
Ascended: Can blink up to 120 ft. at a time.
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