Approved Character
27 Years Old
6'3" Tall
Half-Fælniri, Half-Dragon
No Titles Currently
Fluent in Common, Gut Common and Ælvish
6'3" Tall
Half-Fælniri, Half-Dragon
No Titles Currently
Fluent in Common, Gut Common and Ælvish
His body, once viewed outside of clothing, is a mixture of lean and muscular, toned muscles framing his body very similarly to a male swimmer, with broad shoulders tapering down into a narrow waist and strong legs. In his regular clothing, his right sleeve covers his entire arm which is covered with iridescent green scales and claws rather than a normal human arm.
His magemarks of Zephyr and Exodus appear on either shoulder, with the Zephyr mark on his left shoulder and the Exodus mark on the right, both faintly shimmering and a constant remind to him of his arcane natures.
Be careful however, as angering him is the quickest way to end your life early. His temper is incredibly explosive and as a result, comes and goes as quickly as he can from place to place. As such, most who work with him tend to let him doing his own thing, making solitude a fairly common feeling for the Fælniri.
Overall, a send of solitude and barely-controlled anger is what dominates Wulfnoð's emotional state. But he is not all negativity, since positive emotions do shine through at times, mainly with those he trusts and/or considers family. With them, he is much more relaxed and jovial, often times joining others in celebration of a particularly good mission or a party in general.
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