
Welcome to the Antarok Forum Roleplaying Game!

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Approved Wulfnoð von'Ældullech


Approved Character
Zephyr (Expert)
Exodus (Expert)
Character Sheet

Antarok OC.png


27 Years Old
6'3" Tall
Half-Fælniri, Half-Dragon

No Titles Currently
Fluent in Common, Gut Common and Ælvish

As tall as his mundane human brethren if not a bit on the taller side, the Fælniri known as Wulfnoð is quite a unique character. Emerald green eyes take in whatever he sees, with the right eye (viewer's left) being a few shades of green brighter than the left, sporting what is technically complete heterochromia. A burn scar, long since healed over, adorns his left cheek and jawline. Eyebrows normally furrowed and angled downwards towards his nose, a tattoo-like chin line brushing from his lower lip to under his chin being a fairly striking feature to his face.

His body, once viewed outside of clothing, is a mixture of lean and muscular, toned muscles framing his body very similarly to a male swimmer, with broad shoulders tapering down into a narrow waist and strong legs. In his regular clothing, his right sleeve covers his entire arm which is covered with iridescent green scales and claws rather than a normal human arm.

His magemarks of Zephyr and Exodus appear on either shoulder, with the Zephyr mark on his left shoulder and the Exodus mark on the right, both faintly shimmering and a constant remind to him of his arcane natures.
Despite his more serious looks as well as a constant relaxed face that makes him look like a murderer, Wulfnoð is fairly laid back under normal conditions. His piercing viridescent gaze is one developed from years living in Bahn'Shei amongst a raider clan where trust was not a right but earned.

Be careful however, as angering him is the quickest way to end your life early. His temper is incredibly explosive and as a result, comes and goes as quickly as he can from place to place. As such, most who work with him tend to let him doing his own thing, making solitude a fairly common feeling for the Fælniri.

Overall, a send of solitude and barely-controlled anger is what dominates Wulfnoð's emotional state. But he is not all negativity, since positive emotions do shine through at times, mainly with those he trusts and/or considers family. With them, he is much more relaxed and jovial, often times joining others in celebration of a particularly good mission or a party in general.

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Bahn'shei was all Wulfnoð ever knew. He was told that when he was but a babe, he had been found on the outskirts of the mountain dwelling with an arm covered in dragon scales and claws. Believing this to be some kind of curse, he was still taken in by one of the many raider clans that resided there. Of course, it was true, but this would only be a rare instance of honesty in an otherwise painful life.

When Wulfnoð turned 13, he underwent the initiation process for the Zephyr Arcana. As one would expect, his was just as turbulent and horrifying to him as it was for the other initiates, alternating between rapid breathing and no breathing at all, practically gasping for air as he could feel his body weaken due to the initiation process. While scared, he was used to pain as he had been taught the raider life since essentially birth, and was therefore able to "weather the storm" and become a Zephyri.

With the traumatic experience of his first initiation came that rapidly explosive anger that he had become known for by his adulthood, tearing apart the clan's enemies. He was told it was to protect his family, to make his family thrive. Yet another rare truth told to him, but one that hid in the flock of lies. Time flew for Wulfnoð, going through the learning process of Zephyr and eventually gaining a proficiency that was enough to allow himself flight. High up in the air, nothing bothered him, and the wind was his comfort.

His early-20s came quickly, and with it another initiation. While he was incredibly successful on raids whenever he went, he was still a dog that the clan could test to make into more and more of a weapon. This time however, the Exodus Arcana was the next one to obtain. Known for being perilous, many expected him to die on his multi-planar journey. What people did not expect was for him to come back a bit more broken mentally than before, and covered in various wounds and bruises.

Nobody knows what exactly happened in the Aetherium but afterwards, the Fælniri was never really the same. Setting up shop in one of the large trees on the edge of the city, he made use of his arcane abilities in order to ensure he would not be bothered, still going on raids and taking up some craft of his own to stifle the madness going on through his head. All the while, he silently searches for clues on his "curse" as well as who his parents really were. It wouldn't change who he was, but having the knowledge would still be nice for him.

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Skill Ledger
Skill NameLevelXP
Experience Ledger
Starting Package+250250
Human Racial Ability (Grandmaster Non-Arcana Skill)-0250
Rebirth AXP (Volundr, Atharen, 150)+150400
Minor Merit 1: Exodus-0400
Minor Merit 2: Zephyr-25375
-100 Exodus-100275
-100 Zephyr-100175
-50 Leatherworking-50125
-50 Tailoring-5075
-50 Acrobatics-5025
-25 Unarmed-250
Character Approval+1515
Thread: Creeping Darkness+2237
Thread: Creeping Darkness AXP (172)+2259
-25 Stealth-2534
-25 Zephyr-259
Thread: Windborne Freedom+2736
Thread: Windborne Freedom AXP (199)+2763
-50 Zephyr-5013
-10 Flight-103
Winter 125 Seasonal AXP (224)+2528
-25 Zephyr-253
Thread: Senka O Terasu(The Illuminating Fires Of War)+710
Thread: Senka O Terasu(The Illuminating Fires Of War) AXP (231)+717
-15 Flight-152

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  • Casual Home Clothing (baggy shirt, pants)
  • Traveling Clothing (cloak, fitted shirt, pants, boots)
  • Backpack
  • Leatherworking Toolkit
  • Tailoring Toolkit
  • Climbing Gear
  • Camping Kit
  • 9 Aetherite Crystals
  • 15 Grams of Alkahest Dust
  • Artificed Goggles
Wulfnoð currently has a semi-permanent residence in Bahn'Shei after having escaped Æld'Norai "servitude". Choosing one of the large trees in the area, he has since renovated it all into a livable treehouse, more literal towards the "house" aspect.

Split into three rooms, there is the main living room which houses the cooking area and dining area, a bedroom with a large area covered in blankets and furs, and a storage room for various items he cannot carry with him, whether due to weight issues or the items carrying too much importance.
SP Ledger
IncomeExpenditureNoteTotal (SP)
Winter 125
Artificed Goggles (for use with Zephyr: Soar ability)​
Bonus Experience (224/1,000 AXP)​
15 grams of Alkahest dust​
Spring 125

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Antarok is a living forum roleplaying game with experience-based progression where time flows in the game as it does in the real world.