
Welcome to the Antarok Forum Roleplaying Game!

If you would like to play, please register an account and notify us through Discord. Please check out our wiki for additional resources. You can find our Discord below: Understand that we are currently in a playtest through the end of 2024, meaning you are welcome to play and earn experience, but there might be sweeping changes before the full site launch in 2025.

OOC Important General Canonizing Requests

Thread Title: Wandering Inari

Thread Summary: Fluffy wanders around and encounters another inari. Later that inari attacks the group she has been travelling with. I had other plans for this thread but my muse ran out.

Expected Rewards: +7 xp

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Thread Title: Windborne Freedom

Thread Summary: Wulfnoð flies over to the merchant district of Bahn'Shei after hearing of a craftsman who can possibly artifice him an item - specifically, a pair of goggles that are both durable under the conditions of high-speed flight, and remain perfectly clear in any weather.

Expected Rewards: +27 xp, artificed goggles

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Thread Title: Vokhai bandits

Thread Summary: Kage and some other soldiers take out some vokhai bandits who are terrorizing a town.

Expected Rewards: 10xp

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Thread Title: Moving On

Thread Summary: Kage sacrifices Fluffy and Abraia. Abraia is reborn as an Oryo

Expected Rewards:
Kage: 8 XP

Raya: 3 XP
Mark of Entropy, 1 Free cast per week, She may hex any target with a touch. Over the next 12 hours, the target will rapidly age and die even if immortal, leaving behind a desiccated husk.

Velho / Vicissitude: 9 XP

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Thread Title: The Test

Thread Summary: This is a memory thread. Sjal just recently moved to Jian and is a low ranked recruit in the Huo army. They set her with a task to go evacuate a group of people near a volcano. She does that and proves that she can be useful. Meant to be kind of more light hearted and I'm not entirely sure if locations and pirates check out... I did my best with a lack of a map.

Expected Rewards: 20 xp for 3000 wc

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Thread Title: Integration

Thread Summary: Sjal learns a little about guns and what it's like living in Jian. She trains and meets some people to learn their stories. This thing dragged on for quite a while so I decided to end it instead of making another thread.

Expected Rewards: 20xp for 3600 wc

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Thread Title: Investigation Pt 1

Thread Summary: Sjal finds Meniscus, a port city in Arcanis. She also gets involved in investigating a mysterious murder.

Expected Rewards:
20 xp for 3k wc
+1 map of arcanis
+1 world map

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Thread Title: Scent of Death

Thread Summary: Kage goes on a mission to hunt a necromancer and got more than he bargained for. This thread is trying to set up a lich Antagonist.

Expected Rewards: +19xp

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Thread Title: Murderer

Thread Summary: Kage and Engill

Expected Rewards:
Engill: +15 XP, 300g saolite for 3k sp
Kage: +26 XP
Purchases referenced here
-100 SP for 10g of geomentite dust
-7500 SP for 750 acres of mine land
-1215 SP + 27 shards (243g) of aetherite via sundering (he has GM Mystic)
-4455SP +891g gristle from mordva's grist

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Thread Title: Enter: Hanabi

Thread Summary: Kage creates his familiar and sends her a mission. He sends Mordva (wisp) there too to be a treant. If this is not something that would be allowed then we can just say that Hanabi raised a random tree or something instead.

Expected Rewards: +5 xp
+1 artificed blindfold using a crystal of Fabulite to enable normal sight (he has a journeyman hired hand artificer) retconning this
+1 ascended dragon sized treant 1000 tethers
- 27g fabulite that he should be earning from his mine retconning this

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Thread Title: Scarlet Sands

Thread Summary: Astra ventures into the desert, meets a stranger, and gets a chance to tear someone's blood out :)

Expected Rewards: 20 xp

Thread Link: Scarlet Sands
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Thread Title: Scarlet Sands 2

Thread Summary: Astra wraps up her bandit encounter, teams up with a convoy and is about to take on some sand sharks!

Expected Rewards: 20 xp

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Antarok is a living forum roleplaying game with experience-based progression where time flows in the game as it does in the real world.