
Welcome to the Antarok Forum Roleplaying Game!

If you would like to play, please register an account and notify us through Discord. Please check out our wiki for additional resources. You can find our Discord below: Understand that we are currently in a playtest through the end of 2024, meaning you are welcome to play and earn experience, but there might be sweeping changes before the full site launch in 2025.

OOC Important General Canonizing Requests

Thread Title: Scarlet Sands pt 3

Thread Summary: Conclusion to this story. Astra and some NPCs take on some sand sharks and come out victorious. Astra feeds on one of the heroes of the battle and makes it to the meet up spot to catch a ride back home with her sister.

Expected Rewards: 20 xp

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Thread Title: Just a Dune Away

Thread Summary: Astra runs into a couple strange people, one of which refuses her help in the desert and another who saves her life only to get killed by a snake.

Expected Rewards: 20 xp

Thread Link:

Thread Title: Lions and Tigers and Bears

Thread Summary: Fluffy and Mercy encounter some tigers. They also go to fetch the sword that Abraia made.

Expected Rewards: Kage +9xp, loses the Katana Abraia made obtained here
Mercy: +12xp +1 grandmaster katana with a red blade (Master Crest Cast)

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Thread Title:

Thread Summary:
Khepri and Astra meet. The former gets a glimpse into what the mind of a blighted looks like. Astra enters major mageburn and is followed by Khepri who probably discovers something about blights.

Expected Rewards: Astra: 15xp + depression
Khepri: 18 xp

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Thread Title: New Home

Thread Summary: A lot of productivity. Raya and Hanabi (Kage's Familiar) meet. Hanabi/Kage bought 30 acres of land in Emberfall, converted gristle to alkahest, made a home, and some treants. Raya recruits an ensorceller and plans on working for Hanabi.

Expected Rewards: Kage: 30xp for 3100 wc, +30 acres of land in Emberfall, -891g luxium gristle, + 891g aetherite (per Haru's system update), +23g purchased aethreite, +1 home built on her property, +20 fetches, +12 treants in wooden armor wages thread
Raya: 9XP
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Thread Title: [Anniversary Event] Wisped Away

Thread Summary: Kage and Engill both get possessed by wisps and led to their little hiding spot. Kage gets onto them about being naughty and the wisps bribe them with some alkahest for their troubles. Kage gets initiated into exodus and Engill gets mad over their relationship issues. Then they go to report on what the wisps have done.

Expected Rewards:
See Event
Engill: 16xp, 243g saolite, Free Minor Merit
Kage: 30 xp, 243g aetherite, Free Minor Merit, Exodus not using Kage for the event

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Thread Title: An eye for a payday
Thread Location: Emberfall

Thread Summary: This was a thread about making an exaltation for a famliar but this was deemed to be pointless in the face of system changes. It is now about Raya working on an artificed eye and she takes payment which is just what Abraia used to own.

Expected Rewards:
Raya~~ 6 experience
Raya spends 400 SP on a maledict surgeon
gains back 221 g Aetherite
gains back 2219 g anathemite.
gains back 1 globe of saolite

Kage~~ 12 experience

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Antarok is a living forum roleplaying game with experience-based progression where time flows in the game as it does in the real world.