Astra has the following changes afforded to her by Crest:
Blood: Astra's blood looks and smells exactly like water.
Hair: Astra's hair has a subtle twinkle to it, like a starry night but it's not obnoxious like glitter might be.
Eyes: Astra's eyes have a swirling effect, as if her irises are moving like mist. This is a subtle effect. Her eyes also glow ever so slightly.
Skin: Astra's skin has a certain radiance to it. It isn't glowing, but it looks to be supernaturally smooth and soft. When touched, it feels as impossibly soft and smooth as it looks. Her skin never feels wet or dry - it always feels perfectly moistened as if it's been recently lotioned. It also feels as skin would feel at room temperature regardless of the actual weather.
Touch: Touching any part of Astra's body results in a pleasurable stimulus.
Voice: Her voice has a supernaturally alluring quality to it. It sounds inviting with a melodic chime and a faint echo. Her laugh is accompanied by the feint sound of songbirds chirping and chimes ringing in a breeze.
Body Movement: Her movements make a soft rustling of something ethereal, like silk slipping over skin.
Smell: Astra's skin smells of roses. Her breath smells of honey.
Taste: Astra's body tastes like a mixture between red velvet cake and honey.